Welcome to the Leaders' Corner! Whether you're a new co-leader or a seasoned winter leader, we hope this section will provide you with helpful information and documents for trip listing, planning, reporting, and more. If you haven't found what you're looking for within the Leader's Corner, or if would like to see some additional information posted here, please contact us. Note that you may also find some useful information in the H/B Committee Documents section of the website.
The Leadership Committee website has information and useful forms:
Hiking Trip Approval Checklist
AMC Boston Hiking Leader Requirements and Definitions
Hiking Leader Application
Leader evaluation form
LiT self-evaluation form
Leadership committee website for Leader Resources
Policy for Reimbursement of Leaders for Skills Training Courses
First Aid / CPR
Wilderness First Aid
To submit for reimbursement, fill out the Trip Reimbursement Google Form.
What You Need for Your Trip
Before the Trip
- Trip and Event Financial Worksheet Must be submitted to the Treasurer two weeks prior to submitting your trip posting on REGI/Outdoors.org
- Sample information sheet
- Resources (helpful links such as weather forecasts, trail conditions, gear lists, etc.)
- Guide cards - if you plan on leading a trip in the White Mountain National Forest you should receive a guide card in the mail. If your trip is approaching and you have not received a guide card, email John Lisker at .
Best Practices
The below documents are resources that we hope our leaders and co-leaders will find useful when planning and running trips:
- Participant screening best practices
- Carpooling Guidance
- Leading H/B Trips in the White Mountain National Forest
After the Trip
- Trip feedback form for participants (send in post trip email)
- Submit a trip report
- Post on Social Media
- File an accident/incident report (if applicable)
When to Submit an Incident Report:
Please remember that an Incident Report should be completed whenever an injury or incident significantly affects a participant’s or guest’s experience.
Examples include:
- Medical care was sought or recommended.
- The participant left the program or facility earlier than expected.
- Non-AMC assistance (e.g., search and rescue, law enforcement) was involved.
- A near-miss occurred.
- Special precautions were taken due to a minor’s involvement or potential future inquiry.
- A significant interpersonal, behavioral, or psychological event occurred.
For any questions, feel free to reach out to the Risk Management team via AMCriskmangement@outdoors.org
Get Involved With Leading Trips
Attend the next trip planning meeting: next date is TBD
Details will be sent to all leaders and co-leaders before the meeting via the H/B leaders list.
Email the H/B leader list
If you expressed interest in co-leading with the H/B Committee, you will be added to the H/B leader email list. This email group is for H/B leaders and co-leaders to discuss hiking and related topics, to post trips looking for additional leaders or co-leaders, as well as Committee announcements.
Volunteer with our instructional programs
The H/B Committee runs annual Spring and Winter Hiking/Backpacking instructional programs. These programs have classes that take place in Boston and provide opportunities to get involved with instruction, lectures, demos, trip co-leading and more. Be on the lookout for emails on the H/B leader list to get involved.
Lead a trip to Harvard Cabin
If you are leading a trip to Harvard Cabin, these two forms will help with the setup, shutdown, and financial planning for the weekend. For more information about leading Harvard Cabin trips, contact Mark Warren, the Harvard Cabin Coordinator, at .
How to lead a Harvard Cabin trip - this explains how to start the heater, handle the finances and in general how it all works from a leader standpoint
General cabin info - this is from the Harvard Cabin Committee itself and covers some of the more recent renovations and improvements to the cabin.
Perks: ProDeals on Gear!
Are you an active H/B Leader? In recognition of the influence you have on outdoor enthusiasts whose lives you touch, do you want access to great purchase deals (typically 40% off) on almost 200 brands of great outdoor gear? Participation is on an annual basis, and eligibility is as follows:
- You need to be a 3 or 4-season H/B leader with the necessary AMC and WFA status to lead trips (co-leaders: this is further incentive to move ahead and achieve leadership status!); and
- You need to have had a significant leadership role (as a leader or co-leader) in 3 trips/programs over the past 12 months, in at least one of which you had the top role -- i.e., you were the activity’s principal organizer and on-site leader (joint is fine, if it was truly so). Alternatively, you can look back over the past 24 months for 6 trips, in at least two of which you were in the top role.
To apply for the coming year, send an e-mail to including your latest WFA date and your qualifying 3 trips with dates and the associated trip leaders.