Recommended Hiking Gear Lists

gear 2Check out these gear lists to ensure that you're as prepared as possible for your next hiking adventure:

Other gear lists: cabin trip gear checklist, spring emergency gear list, winter emergency gear list, winter specialized equipment.


Trail Conditions

trail conditions 2 Here are some of our favorite websites to check out trail conditions:

  • New England Trail Conditions The latest trail conditions for NH 4000 footers, New England 100 highest, 52 with a view, NH 200 highest, New England 50 most prominent and more.
  • Trails NH Trail conditions for many lists in New England and NY. There is an interactive trail map that lists trail advisories and road closures, and more.

 Weather Forecasts

weather mt 2 Monitor the weather closely as your near the day of the hike.  It's also a good idea to check out one or more of the following weather forecasts on the morning of the hike, if possible: NOAA National Weather Service, Mt. Washington Observatory Higher Summits Forecast, Mountain Weather Forecast.


Lodging in the Mountains

lodging 2

Whether you want to sleep in a heated lodge or sleep under the stars in the mountains after a day in the outdoors, you should be able to find lodging that meets your needs.  You may want to check out these lodging options: AMC lodges, AMC NH huts, AMC cabins, AMC campsites and campgrounds, AMC backcountry campsites in NH, White Mountain National Forest camping and cabins.


Road Closures and Other Alerts

The United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service has road closures and other alerts for roads in the White Mountain National Forest.



NH Fish and Game Hike Safe Cards

If you plan on being in the outdoors in NH, you may want to consider getting a NH Fish and Game Hike Safe Card.  The card is valuable for anyone hiking, paddling, cross country skiing or engaging in other outdoor recreation. People who obtain the cards are not liable to repay rescue costs if they need to be rescued. An individual may still be liable for response expenses if the actions that created the need for the emergency response meet certain criteria. 



Leave No Trace

Whether you're enjoying the outdoors in a park in your neighborhood or backpacking in the wilderness, we hope that you are able to practice leave no trace principals to minimize impacts on our outdoor environments.