In addition to offering volunteer-led hiking trips, the H/B Committee offers a variety of instructional training programs and workshops to help teach new skills, brush up on old ones, and help create a social network within the local hiking community. We hope you'll join us at one of the following programs:
Wilderness First Aid Courses
As part of HB's mission to support the safe enjoyment of the outdoors, we encourage avid hikers to consider taking a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course. The course covers response and assessment, musculoskeletal injuries, environmental emergencies, survival skills, soft tissue injuries, and medical emergencies. Active HB leaders are required to recertfiy their WFA over time (see Leader's Corner for requirements). Given the high regional demand for WFA courses at this time, we encourage those interested in the training to look at all available venues. If you plan to take WFA training in 2022, book well in advance as classes fill very quickly. A list of known upcoming trainings is below.
Eleanor Buck Wolf Nature Center, Wethersfield, CT, Mar 5-6
Merrimack Parks and Rec, (also here) Merrimack, NH, Mar 5-6, Apr 2-3 ($180, CPR +$45)
Kingdom Adventure Mtn Guides, Eeast Burke, VT - 2022 dates TBD - ($195, inc CPR)
Wicked Good Paddle Co. Brunswick, ME - 2022 dates tbd - ($185, inc CPR)
SOLO Schools, North Conway NH, Feb 18-20 (Women's weekend), Mar 5-6, April 2-3, Jul 2-3, Aug 6-7, Oct 1-2 ($200)
Spring Hiking & Backpacking Program (2022)
Ever wanted to try hiking or backpacking and didn't know where to get started? Are you rusty and want to brush up on your knowledge and skills? Then join AMC Boston’s Hiking & Backpacking Committee and friends for the Spring Hiking & Backpacking Program! Five instructional sessions will introduce the basics of spring, summer and fall day hiking and backpacking in New England. Topics change each week and include clothing, footwear, nutrition, essential gear, backcountry stewardship, navigation basics and more! Program participants will then have access to a range of instructional hikes from Boston's Blue Hills to New Hampshire's mountains. To be notified when registration opens for the next SHP, click here.
Winter Hiking & Backpacking Program
The hiking season doesn't just end after the last of the fall foliage is gone - hiking in winter is a whole new and wonderful season. If you're an experienced, three-season hiker who doesn't want to hibernate all winter, come join us and learn how to manage the additional challenges that winter brings. The program includes classroom instruction/demonstration and a series of winter hiking trips and special program weekends. Program details will be available in the early fall each year. For more information, please visit the AMC Boston Winter Hiking Program website.
Leadership Training Program
For those interested in organizing and leading Boston Chapter trips and events, this is the course for you! Completion of this training qualifies participants to co-lead trips with Hiking/Backpacking, Intro, Bike, Ski, Paddling, 40+, Young Members, and other committee trips with the AMC Boston Chapter. The program includes discussion of the principles of group dynamics, leadership techniques, and role-playing exercises. Training includes two evening sessions and one weekend trip to assist in the "real life" role-playing exercises. The Boston Chapter offers this course twice a year (in spring and fall). You must attend all of these sessions to complete the program.
Map and Compass Workshop

Are you ever confused about where you are, or where you are going? Providing both classroom and practice in the field, this weekend course will show you how to use a map and compass and navigate with confidence!